Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"When Youth Violence Spurred ‘Superpredator’ Fear": Newspeak Version

Kahton Anderson boardwise bus on 3yp 3rd quarter with a revolver in his hand. His aim was doubleplusungood, and he killed an inner party member. Anderson was charged with association to resistance and crimethink by thinkpol. Anderson is to be vaporized. Anderson is young and ungood. Violence is rising with those who are young and not members of the Youth League. The Youth League supports BB. Anderson was 14 and not a member of the Youth League. Without Ingsoc, Anderson would be free. Because of BB he is vaporized and no longer a threat. With BB's elimination of the resistance, violence has declined. Anderson will be sent to a joycamp and then vaporized. BB made it possible for those who are 13 and 14 to have the opportunity of going to joycamp. This is doubleplusgood and increases the number of Youth League members. With more Youth League members and a decrease in violence, the economy has become doubleplusgood and drug use has declined. More and more children who commit crimethink are vaporized thanks to BB. With only goodsex, only Inner Party members can be born. This will help eliminate resistance and crimethink. However, the issues are still raising fear with their new “knockout game”. It involves a group of issues punching a random member of the Youth League on the street. The thinkpol consider this both a facecrime and a thoughtcrime. Issues who violate such rules should be vaporized. BB has reason to believe that the issues who commit this crime are directly involved with the resistance. These issues have been called “impulsive and “ungood” by members of the Inner Party, who claim that they are overburded with “sexcrime” and  “duckspeak”. Mr. Eskow, a worker at recdep, speakwrote to upsub saying that he knew a group of issues who had committed similar crimes. BB will stop them. 


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ignorance is Strength

The memory of her still clouds my mind
Sometimes I lay awake at night
Trying to unwind
But the tragedy I witnessed still brings me fright

If I do not think, I am strong
The memory of her makes me weak
I pretend I am not bothered and try to play along
But without my ignorance, I am so weak

She passed away on the eve of our wedding
Such a tragic time to pass away
A car came along as she was running
And hit her body so hard she went tumbling away

My love for her pains my heart
But I only feel it when I think

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Travels During a Gelid and Mysterious Morning

The musky darkness surrounded us and seemed to stick the cold air to our bodies. Only a small peak of the sun was visible in the distance, slowly making its climb to the top of the trees. The frosty morning dew clung to the tips of the grass, and left dampness on the luscious coat of my furry companion. His eagerly wagging tail slapped against the back of my jeans in an effort to gain my attention. I stared down at his large black pupils and crooked smile. Highlights of the trees and power lines reflected into his deep black pools. His pink tongue hung to the side of his sharp yellow teeth, and his breath showed in visible puffs of smoke. Mine was visible as well, but in larger and denser packs of smoke. In the distance, I spotted a yellowish tint shining down through the fog. I strode toward it at a brisk pace, with the collar of my furry companion clicking behind me. I stared up at the glaring streetlamp, the only light that had appeared all morning besides the barely peeking sun. Moths and other critters allured by its presence had become permanently stuck in its burning luminescence. I seated myself directly under the streetlamp, the gelid sidewalk causing my legs to shiver. With a gloved hand, I unlatched the leash and watched as scurrying paws ran around me in circles, overwhelmed by their sudden freedom. I turned my attention the ball of orange fire that was rising at a quicker speed in the distance. Eventually its presence engulfed the treetops and morning had officially begun.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Profitable and Successful Quest of The Englishmen

At the beginning of our journey we were aggressive. We went in guns blazing to assert our dominance. We were a pack of Englishmen (and women) competing for resources with the natives. Our strategy must have worked because we developed promising relations with the Natives. They respected our power and our honesty. We never intended to hurt them, but our quest for resources was number one in our priorities. We would let nothing stand in our way.
Although we were anxious to gain resources, we did not press for about three months. This was part of our plan to kindly reach our goal. During these three months, we grew close to the Natives. They accepted us. Each month the Natives granted us goodwill. They were content with us and appreciated our kindhearted spirit towards them.
After these three months, we knew it was time to act. We began pressing for resources, but still maintained promising relations. The Natives were understanding of our need and willing to help. The weather conditions remained normal during this time period, so it was not difficult to plow for resources. I’m sure this was a factor in the Natives willingness and acceptance.
However, as weather conditions worsened, tension with the Natives began. A monsoon hit, threatening to diminish the resources we had worked so hard to gain. Harsh winds and heavy rain poured down flooding our land and destroying homes of the Natives. We wanted to be sympathetic, however we had waited too long to begin gathering resources. Three months without resources left us in a stressful situation, and we had no choice but to press the Natives once more. Consequently, hostile relations began. The Natives were extremely angry about our treatment and threatened to fight. We reacted violently and chaos broke out. In the midst of a horrendous monsoon, we fought aggressively with the Natives. The unforgiving wind blew debris into our eyes on the battlefield, while the heavy rain made slick pathways under our feet.
After the fight was over, we respected our boundaries with the Natives. Relations were at an all time low and we knew something had to change. We did not press for a month, leaving the Natives at peace. They appreciated our actions and discussed a truce. Weather conditions remained normal and relations were once again promising.
However, next month it was critical that we press for resources, no matter what conditions the weather had in store for us. We prayed for good weather, but alas we were left with another rainy season. On the bright side, it was not nearly as severe as a monsoon. With the monsoon having destroyed many of our resources we had to press the Natives. Relations once again turned hostile. They felt as though we had betrayed our truce. Again, the Natives threatened violence. A small fight broke out ending in only a few minor injuries.
As the next month approached, tensions eased and disagreements worked themselves out. We were fortunate that our favorable relations had returned. We worked together with the Natives to gather resources and ended up with a profit margin of eight. At the end of our journey, we were proud to be the most successful of the Englishmen.